Follow the generations: Overview ⮞ Gens 1& 2 ⮞ Northumberland branch: Gens 3 & 4 ⮞ Gen 5 Follow the generations: Overview ⮞ Gens 1& 2 ⮞ North Carolina branch: Gens 4 & 5 Follow the generations: Overview ⮞ Gens 1& 2 ⮞ Arkansas branch: Gen 5 Follow the generations: Overview ⮞ Gens 1& 2 ⮞ Louisiana branch: Gen 5 |
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![]() ![]() ![]() Last update = 31 July 2015 Transcriptions by by Michael Hait, 2008; Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write. |
The Kingston Parish Parrotts:![]()
Kingston Parish in Gloucester Co. was established ~1652; The total destruction of Gloucester County records in a fire in 1820 makes it very difficult to research Kingston parish families, though a few records survive from other counties. It is not known how long the Parrotts lasted in Kingston Parish, but is was probably over a century. Kingston Parish was spun off from Gloucester county and became Mathews county in 1791 As mentioned in the overview, John Singleton claimed headrights in Maryland in 1662 for transporting Lawrence, the family patriarch. As was the practice at the time, Lawrence would then have obtained headrights for himself and his family when he moved to Virginia. However, the first record for Lawrence Lawrence Perrott is not until 26 September 1678, when received 137 acres in exchange for head rights he obtained for transporting 4 persons. This land was adjacent to that of Col. Rich'd. Dudley, Capt. Armestead and Wm. Beards, (Mathews Co., Bk 6, p 660). He received 203 acres joining to Gwynns Ridge 23 October 1690, adjoining land of Col. John Armested and Mr. Roberts, for 5 headrights, bringing his total acreage up to 340 (Mathews Co., Bk 8, p 98). He paid quitrent taxes accordingly in 1704. Gwynns Ridge still exists, being known today as Ridge Road or State Route 626 in Mathews county, Virginia (Kingston Parish became Mathews county in 1791). Thus, the Parrott lands would be to the north or northeast of the current town of Foster, on the eastern side of Gwynn's Ridge, today known as Ridge Road or state highway 626. Lawrence Parrott co-paid a £400 security bond in 1704 in Richmond County on behalf of Margarett Bronaugh, widow of Richard Cary. These actions suggest Richard Cary died intestate; given the widow was the executrix, Margarett, would have had to post a bond equal in value to the worth of the estate. Such bonds were normally provided by the widow's relatives, suggesting a Parrott-Bronaugh relationship. Lawrence of Gloucester had several descendants, the best-known of which is is his namesake and probable grandson, Lawrence of Northumberland. Several Parrotts were still living in the region when Mathews county started keeping tax records in 1791. More immediately, Michael Parratt obtained 110 acres adjoining the land of Lawrence Parrott, Captn. Todd, Captn. Knowles & Captn William Armistead, for 3 headrights on 20 October 1704. (Mathews Co. Bk 9, p 615). Richard Parrett received 43 acres beginning at a corner gum of Captn. Ambrose Dudley standing at the south end of the chesnut ridge. & adjoining Lawr. Parrott, George Burgis, and Charles Jones, for 1 headright on 16 June 1714 (Mathews Co. Bk 10, p 127). Michael might also be an ancestor of Benjamin Parrott. Benjamin's descendants are the second branch of the this Parrott family, as DNA testing has also shown this line is related to the descendants of Lawrence, though the relationship to them is unknown. Benjamin appears in Guilford (later Rockingham) Co., North Carolina first on 18 August 1778 when he obtained a land grant for 500 acres on both sides of Wolf Island Creek. This grant is part of the land which Benjamin Parrott, Sr. sold to his son Abner on 9 May 1789. Benjamin named his daughter Michal. A third Lawrence is found in the records in nearby Middlesex county (Book 7, p 155, 3 March 1740/1): "John Sanders vs Lawrence Parrott, Trespass on the Case. This day came the Plaintiff by his Attorney and saith that he will not further persecute his said suit against the said Deft. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the same be dismist." There are no known descendants of this Lawrence. Yet another entry (p 174, dated 1 Sept 1741) relates to a suit between William Robinson and William Hackney, the administrator of Patrick Parrott, deced. "Petition Dismissed for reasons to the Court appearing." Thus, Patrick was probably another son of Lawrence. Based on dates and locations, Patrick or Michael are the more likely candidates to be the father of the Lawrence who appears in Northumberland Co. A third family branch can be traced back to Robert and Sarah Reade Parrott. Robert was born about 1770 in Kingston Parish, Gloucester, reinforcing the idea that some of the elder Lawrence's family stayed there. Robert's descendants are primarily in Arkansas and Oklahoma. A fourth branch starts with George Parrott, b 1760 in Virginia and moved to South Carolina. His descendants are mainly in Louisiana. The generations prior to William still need to be confirmed iwth stronger evidence. The way the branches fit together can be tentatively reconstructed. The family comprised by these 4 branches is the second largest Parrott family in the USA today, and accounts for about 1 out of every 10 Parrotts. ![]() ![]() The map below is of Mathews county, formerly Kingston parish of Gloucester county. The area where the Parrotts settled is in the blue square, which is enlarged at right. The shaded ovals indicate the most likely areas for the Parrott properties, as determined by surviving land patents. These were along Gwynn's Ridge, today known as Ridge Road or state highway 626.
![]() Gloucester Co. Land Patents
![]() ![]() Source: Land Office Patents, Book 6, p 55 1666-1679 p. 549 (Reel 6) To all etc whereas &c now know ye that I the said Sir Wm Berkeley Knight Governor &c Give and Grant unto Jno Nevell Infant one hundred acres of land situated in Kingston Parish in Gloucester county and adjoining to a Greater Tract of Dunkin Bohannan Beginning at a sound Pine common this W Side of Easternmost River being a Corner tree to this Land and the Land of Richd Cary - & running thence into the woods WNW 300 poles to a sound white oak in the Line of the land of Mr. Jno Armstead then by the said Armstead's land n by E 54 poles to Corner Plum in the Said line being a Corner tree of Dunken Bohanan's Land then by a Line dividing between the land and Bohanan's ESE 300 poles to a white oak found by the side of a branch dividing ____ this land to Bohanan's and down said Branch to Easternmost River and down sd river to a Place Bigunn at(.) The Said land being formerly deeded Dunken Bohannan by purchase also from mr Armstead & then Sold to the father of the above said Jno Nevell as Sonne & heir of his dec'd Father(.) To have and To hold et to hold & yielding & paying the Provided &c dated this 6 Day of march 1675/6. Note: This record is included here because the DNA of John Neville's descendants is indistinguishable from that of the Lawrence P-rr-tt descendants. Note: Duncan Bohannan was in St. Michael's parish, Barbados, where he got married prior to his move to Kingston Parish in Virginia. Nevilles and Perrotts were also there, as well as in the adjacent Christ Church Parish. So while there is a documented Neville connection between Barbados and Kingston parish, it remains to be established whether any of the Perrotts of Barbados were related to Lawrence. Additional documentation is below: Barbados Marriages, Vol. I, 1643-1800 The following will from adjacent Christ Church parish, might turn out be of interest: Barbados Wills and Administrations, Vol I POWDRELL, Thomas, intending a voyage for England, Christ Church Parish, 25 May 1668, RB6/10, p. 134Bros Richard Powdrell & William Powdrell & sisters Mary Powdrell & Elizabeth Powdrell living in Rawesby in Lincolnshire; Mary
Perrott; Thomas Davy, son of & Martha Davy* his wf; Josias Stokes Jr, son of Josias Stokes Sr; wf Elizabeth Powdrell -Xtrx; wf's fa in law Capt. Mathew Perrott - Overseer in trust. ![]() ![]() Source: Land Office Patents No. 6, 1666-1679 (pt.1 & 2 p.1-692), p. 660 (Reel 6); Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia To all &ca. whereas &ca. now Know yee that I ye Said Herbt. Jeffreys [?] Gouvernor &ca. give & grant unto Lawrence Perrott one hundred & thirty Seven Acrs of Land in Kingston p'ish. in Gloster County beging at a Corner white oake near yee Corner tree of Coll. Richd. Dudley's land & runing thence by Coll. Dudley's line W by N: 180 ps. to a Gum then N 1/4 E'ly 4 pos. to a white oake W: 1/2 S'ly 66 ps: to a white oake then S: S: W: 29 pos. to a Gum & S: E: 24 po: to a white oake & E: by N: 60 po: to ye Corner Gum at ye end of ye W: by N: line thence S: S: E: 120 po. to a Chesnutt oake & S: E: 100 ps. to a Gum in Capt. Armestead's line & by his line E: 56 po: to Wm. Beards Corner Gum & N: W: 20 po to another Gum of Wm. Beards & by Wm Beards line N: by E: 174 po:to ye Beging place. The said land being due by & for ye transpn. of three psons. &ca. To have & to hold &a. To be held &a. yeilding & paying &a. provided &a. dated ye 26th of Septbr. 1678. HR for Tho. Jones, Tho. Browne, Richd. Byronton
Source: Land Office Patents No. 8, 1689-1695, p. 99 (Reel 8); Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. To all &c. Whereas &c. Now Know yee that I ye [?] Francis Nicholson Esqr. Lt. Governr. &c. Give and grant unto Lawrence Perrot three hundred & forty acres of Land in Glocr. County Joyneing to Gwynns Ridge in Kingston P'ish beging at a marked Gum Standing in ye Line of marked tree belonging to Coll. Jno. Armisted the runing along ye sd. Armisteds line west two hundred forty Eight ps. to a Corner Red Oak & white Oak Standing in Mr. Roberts Line North East by North two hundd. and twenty ps. to a Corner white Oake by ye Pease patch Joyning to Gwynns Ridge th. north west twenty four ps: East north East Twenty nine po East half north upon ye Land of Coll. Richard Dudly Sixty Six po South a quarter West forty po East by South one hundred & Eighty po. South by West one hundred and Sixty Six po: West Seventy Six po to ye place first specified one hundred thirty seven acres of ye aforesd. Land formerly taken up by ye aforesd. Perrot by patent dated ye 28th of Septemb'r. 1678 ye residue being two hundred & three acres of Land in due by & for ye trnpt. of five p'sons &c. To have & to hold &c. To be held &c. Yeilding & paying &c. Provided &c. Dated ye twenty third day of October ano Domni. 1690. HR for Jno. Acorne, Abraham Burckley, Edwd. Davies, James Bradick, Jno. Williams.
Fleet, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Vol. 1, Richmond County Records, 1692-1704, page 281: Page 23-A Power of Atty. 3rd of 8ber 1704. "Margaret Carey of the parish of Kingston in the County of Gloucester Admin'r of my dec'ed husband Richd Cary have named and Constituted and by these presents do name Ordaine appoint and make my Trusty and well beloved Brother David Bronaugh of the County of Richmond my true and Lawfull attorney" to collect debts. Signed Margaret x Cary. Wit: Alex'r Doniphan, John x Tidee?. Att a Court held for Gloucester County on wednesday the 16 day of Feb'ry 1703. Margarett Cary Widow of Richard Carey Deced upon her pettition hath order granted for administration of all and singular the Estate of the said Richard Cary giveing Security according to Law. Whereupon Jeremiah Bronaugh and Lawrence Parrott having Entered into bond of foure hundred pounds Sterl with the said Margarett Cary for her due administration Came into Court and acknowledged the same. A True Copy Test P Beverly Cl Cur. Recordat Test James Sherlock Cl Cur." Note: Why would Lawrence post a £400 bond so he could have power of attorney for Margaret? It strongly suggests kinship. Perhaps Margaret was his half sister or sister in law?
Land Office Patents No. 9, 1697-1706 (v.1 & 2 p.1-742), p. 615 (Reel 9); Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. To all &c. Whereas &c. Now know yee that I the said Francis Nicholson [?] Govr. &c. do with the advice & Consent of the Councill of state accordingly give & grant unto Michael Parratt one hund'd. & ten acres of land -scituate lying & being in Kingston Parish in Gloucester County begin-ing at a white Oake in Lawrance Parrotts line & running along Captn. Todds line South Westerly thirty two degrees Sixty Six pole South Easterly Seventy-one degr. twenty four pole to a red Oake then along Captn. Knowles his line South Easterly twenty two degrees one hund'd. thirty nine pole to a white Oake by the plantacon side then North Easterly forty nine degr: one hund'd. twenty two pole into Captn. Wm. Armisteads Line thence along the said Line North Westerly twenty five degrees one hund'd. & Sixteen pole into Lawrance Parrotts Line thence along Parrotts Line West Eighty-two pole to the begining place the said Land being due unto the said Michael Parrott by and for the transportacon of three persons into this Colony whose names are to be in the records menconed under this patent. To have & to hold &c. To be held &c. Yeilding & paying &c. Provided &c. Given under my hand & the Seale of the Colony this 20th day of October anno Dom. 1704.
Land Office Patents No. 10, 1710-1719, p. 127 (Reel 10); Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. Anne &ca. To all &ca. Know ye that for diverse good causes & Consideracons but more especially for and in Consideracon of the Importacon of one person to dwell within this our Colony of Virginia whose name is Richard Williams We have Given Granted & Confirmed & by these presents for us our heirs & Successors do Give Grant and Confirm unto Richard Parrett of the parish of Kingstone in the County of Gloucr. one certain tract or parcel of land containing fourty three acres lying & being in the sd. parish of Kingstone in the said County of Gloucester and bounded as followeth to wit begining at a Corner Gum of Capt. Ambrose Dudleys standing att the south end of the Chesnutt Ridge then along his line south west two degrees twenty three poles to a Corner white oak of the sd. Dudleys then along his line East south East fourty poles to a Corner dog wood of the sd. Dudley's then along his line south south west seventy one poles to a Corner white oak of the sd. Dudley's & Lawr: Parret's then along the sd. Parrett's line north west fourty two poles to a Corner Gum of the sd. Parrett's thence along his line west south west fourty six poles to a Corner white oak of George Spurgis's standing in the sd. Parrett's line then along Burges's line north by west half north sixty four poles to Charles Jones's line then along his line East north East seventy seven poles to the beginning place, with all &ca. To have hold &ca. To beheld &ca. Yielding & paying &ca. Provided &ca. In Witness &ca. Witness our Trusty & welbeloved Alexander Spotswood our Lieutenant Governr. &ca. at Williamsburgh under the seal of our sd. Colony the sixteenth day of June one thousand seven hundred & fourteen. In the thirteenth year of our Reign.A Spotswood
Middlesex. 07-155. 3 March 1740/1 John Sanders vs Lawrence Parrott, Trespass on the Case. This day came the Plaintiff by his Attorney and saith that he will not further persecute his said suit against the said Deft. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the same be dismist. Note: Probably not the same Lawrence who was in Northumberland at the time, and who died in 1746, given the distance between the two locations.
Middlesex. 07-174. 1 September 1741. William Robinson vs William Hackney, Admor. of Patrick Parrot, deced. Petition Dismissed for reasons to the Court appearing.
Middlesex County (Va.) Chancery Causes, 1754-1820. Exr. of John Robinson v. Admx of Michael Parrott etc., and Richard Parrott, File no. 1793-005. Local Government Records Collection, Middlesex Court Records. The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. [page 1] 1793-005 EXR. OF JOHN ROBINSON vs. ADMX OF MICHAEL PARROTT ETC. MIDDLESEX CO. RICHARD PARROTT ETC. (Chancery) SURNAMES: ROBINSON, PARROTT, GRYMES
[page 2] Grymes &c. } Novr. Rules 1789 [page 3] [Kn]ow all Men by these Presents that we Philip Ludwell Grymes acting Exor. of [- Ro]binson deceased & William Churchhill are held and firmly bound unto Anne [-] Michael Parot decd. in the Sum of Twenty pounds to be paid unto the said [-] Parrott & his - Executors Administrators and Assigns To which Payment well and truly to be made We bind ourselves jointly and Severally our joint and Several Heirs Executors and Administrators Firmly by these Presents sealed with our seals and dated this --- of September 1789 The Condition of the above obligation is such That Whereas the above bound Philip L. Grymes acting Exor. of John Robinson decd. hath obtained an Injunction in the County Court of Middlesex to stay all Further Proceedings in a Judgement recovered against him in the said Court, by the said Ann Parrott Exrx. of Michael Parrott [-] of the said Philip Ludwell Grymes decd. - do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto t[-] said Anne Parrott Exrx. &c - all such Sume of Money and To[-] as are now due or which shall become due to him in the said suit or Action so injoined, and also all such losts as shall be awarded against him in case the said Injunction shall be dissolved, Then the above Obligation to be void or else to Remain in full force and Virtue. Slealed [sic] and Delivered } Philip L. Grymes [page 4] To the Worshipfull the Justices of Middlesex Counting sitting in Chancery - [page 5] Re:Cord in this worshipfull Court, will fully appear who has since taken up on him the Burthen of the Execution of the said Will - [page 6] and endamage your orator Executor as aforesaid. In tender Consideration whereof and for as much as Your Orator is remediless in the premises save by the Interposition of this Worshipfull Court where matters of this nature are properly Cognizable, and to the End that the said Ann and the said Richard, may on their Corporal Oaths full true and perfect answers make to all and singular the pre: mises as fully and compleatly as if they were here again repeat ed and interrogated. But more particularly that the said Ann may set forth and declare, whether the said John, your Orator's Testator did not permit the said Michael her husband to reside on his Land and whether the said Michael was not in consideration therof to have paid the said John the annual sum of two pounds ten shillings as Rent, whether she the said Ann Administratrix of the said Michael did not after the Death of the said Michael continue to reside on the said land and to be accountable to the said John for the yearly Rent aforesaid, [...] untill the year 1777 when on her complaining to the said John that she was poor, and unable to pay so much Rent, the said John generously agreed to charge only 40/ - Whether the said Rent was ever or allways paid by the said Michael in his Lifetime and by the said Ann after his death. Whether the said John did not generally furnish the said Michael and Ann with necessaries for themselves and family, in particular whether they had not frequently and generally corn or meal from his Mill. Whether they or either of them have paid the said John for the [?] as above furnished them and in what Manner. Whether the said John did not often advance monies and his Credit for them, and particularly for the Schooling of their Children - Whether the said John was not always ready to come to any Settlement, and did not punctually pay off any Ballance which might be due her. - Whether when the annexd. acct. of your orators Testator was shown to her by your orator by the hands of Mr. Robinson one of the sons of your Orator's Testator, She the said Ann did not confess the whole of it to be just and that it must and should operate as a sett off to the Bond - Whether your orators testator had not a Settlement of Accts. with her not long before his death, and whe ther there was any thing found to be due her on the sd. Settlement. - And the said Richard Parrot Whether he is not interested in the Recovery of the Money [page 7] on the said Bond, and is not entitled either to the whole of the money if recoverd, or a part thereof. Whether he does not act as an agent for the said Ann, does not settle accounts pay and receive monies, and give discharges, on behalf of the said Ann - Whether in this Instance he was not particularly authorised by her, to apply for the money supposed
to be due on the said Bond, and to give a sufficient dis- charge for the same. Whether the annex'd Account was not shewn to him by your Orator, in presence of Indifferent persons, and whether he the said Richard did not acknowledge that it was just and should be an effectual settoff to the Bond. And whether he did not confess that your Orator's Testator to his knowledge had come to a Settlement of accounts with the said Ann not Long before his Death, and that there was but a trifling Ballance found in favr. of either on [the] said Settlement, to what amount and in favr. of which - Whether he the said Richard is not the son of the said Michael and Ann, and is not joind with her the sd. Ann in her Administration of the Rights & Credits & & of the said Michael - May it Please your Worships to grant unto your Orator the Common wealths Writ of Injunction directed to the Sheriff of the County aforesaid commanding him to stay proceedings on the said Judgment obtaind in this Worshipfull court at common Law and to grant unto your Orator such other further Relief in the Premises as may be consistent with Equity and good Consci ence and as to your Worhips to grant unto your Orator the Commonwealths writs of Subpoena commanding the said Ann & Richard &c &c Middlesex 1789
Sept. 19th This Day personally appeared before me one of the Justices for the County of Middlesex Philip L. Grymes Executor of John Robinson decd and made oath on the holy Evan: gelists that the facts stated in the above Bill so far as relate to his own Acts or some within his own knowledge are true, and that those which relate to the acts of any other persons he believes are true. [page 8] R. Parrott &c }} answer Robinson &c } [page 9] The Answer of Anne Parrott admix of Michael Parrott Decd to the Bill of Complt. of Philip L. Grymes exor &c. of John Robenson decd exhibited against her in the Worshipfull the County Court of Middlesex And this Defendant now & at all times hereafter saving & reserving to her self all and all manner of benefit and advantage of exception to the manifold Errors & untruths in the said Complts. said Bill of Compt. contained and set forth, for answer thereto or to such Part thereof as she is advised is any way material or necessary for her to make an swer unto she answereth & saith. That it is true that her husband Michael Parrott in his lifetime lived on the land of the said John Robenson, & that he continued to do so untill the time of his death & that he might agree to Pay as rent the annual sum of fifty shillings. And That it may be also true, that the said Michael Parrott departed this life in 1773 in the month of March. That after the death of her said husband she continued to live on the same land & on the same terms untill the day of 17. when the said John Robinson agreed that the same should be reduced to forty shillings Per Annum. That as Payment for the same she allway wove, the Country male Cloth of said John Furnished him with bacon & sundrie other articles to the full value of said Rent. That this Defendant is well assurd She alway Paid the said John for all corn meal, money advancd, or that [page 10] She alway saved his credit when it was staked for her. That your Oratrix being utterly ignorant of accounts
not being [?] able to read them does not certainly remember if any account was ever shown her by Mr. Robinson - but this she Knows she never agreed, that, the said John Robinson or any other Person for him had Ever Paid off the said Bond or that the same was any way satisfyed, and now fully believes that the same is wholly due & unpaid. She admits the bond as stated in said Bill but for greater certainty refers to the same among the records of this Court & Prays the same may be taken as Part of this her answer. That a Judgt. has been obtained thereon as is most Just, for the Principal and Inr. - She Prays to be here dismissed with her reasonable costs in this behalf sustained, that the Jugt. may be dissolved &c. &c. &c. Sworn to before me in due form of Law [page 11] R. Parrott }[?] } answer Robenson exor} [page 12] The Answer of Richd. Parrott to the Bill Compt. of Phillip L. Grymes exor &c. of John Robinson decd. [...] Exhibited against him together with Ann Parrott admix of Michael Parrott, decd in the Worshipful the County Court of Middlesex And this deft. now and at all times hereafter saving & reserving to himself all and all manner of benefit and advantage of exception to the manifold Errors & untruths in the said Complt. said Bill of Complt. Contained for answer thereto or to so much thereof as he is advised is any way material or necessary for him to make answer unto he answereth & saith, That he is no way interested in or entitled to the Estate of the said Michael, that on the recovery of the said money he is not to have any Part thereof, or is to gain or loose any way by the Event of said suit. That he never was authorized by the said Anne to receive Payment of said Bond, much less to acknowledge that the same ought not to be Paid. That, he is utterly ignorant of the said Acct. referred to in said Complt. bill be true & he denies in the most Pointed terms that he Ever agreed that the same operated as a [ban?] to said Bond he denies all unlawful combination & Confederacy with which he stands charged, & Without that Rt. he Prays to be hence dismissed with his reason able costs in this behalf most Wrongfully sustained &ca. Praying that the Injs. may be dissolved. [final lines appear on above page 11, obverse of this page 12]I hereby Certify that Richd. Parrott Personally appeared me & swor to the within bill Given under my hand this 13th August 1790 Ths. Tabb [page 13] To the Clerk of Middlesex [page 14] The deposition of George Parrott of Lawfull age being first sworn on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God deposeth & saith that about the Year 1780 he applyed to Maj. John Robinson by request of Anne Parrott for Two Barrels & Three Bushels of Corn the said Robinson said that he owed her the Corn & would pay it but whether he did or not the said Parrott cannot tell. This deponent further saith that he attended Middlesex Court as a Witness in a suit defending [?] Anne Parrott plantiff vs. Philip Grymes Execr. of Jno. Robinson Decd. & that he heard the said Grymes say that as there was open accounts in both sides he thought it best to drop them & let the Bond be allowed - & further this deponent saith not - Gloucester Lc.We do hereby Certify that the above deposition was taken before us legal notice being proved before us. John Whiting Philip Tabb [page 15] The Commonwealth of Virginia to John Whiting & Philip Tabb . . . . Gent. Greeting Know ye that we trusting to you fidelity & provident circumspection in diligently examining all Witnesses whatsoever as well on behalf of Ann Parrot Admix of Michael Parrott decd Deft. as of Philip Ludwell Grymes acting Exor of John Robinson Plt. command you or any two or more of you that at such certain days & places as you shall appoint, you assemble yourselves and the Witnesses aforesaid before you or any two or more of you, you shall cause to come & diligently examine on the Holy Evangisys of Almighty Fod and their Examination unto our Court of Middlesex County distinctly and plainly without delay you shall send and certify enclosed returning also this Writ, Witness - William Chunkhill Clerk of oversaid Court at the Courthouse of the said County the 14th day of August 1790 in the 15th year of the CommonwealthWill Chunkhill [page 16] Grymes notace for [...] Parrott No Notice [page 17] P. L. Grymes Esqr. Acting Execr. of John Robinson Decd.Sir take notice that on the second Day of May Middlesex Court next in Middlesex that we will move for a Dissolution of the Injuntion you obtain'd against us. May 13th 1793 The above notice proved to have been given, by the oath of Stapleton Keeble before Richd. Gregory Ann Parrott admin ofMichael Parrott Decd. Richd. Parrott in his own right ![]() ![]()
Records of Colonial Gloucester County, Virginia, Volume 1, By Mason, Polly Cary Mason, Baltimore, MD, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2000, p77 John Davis assignee of Thomas Tabb who was assignee of John Parrott who was asignee of James Peed, Dr ___lbs of tobacco To John Cary Clerk of Mathews County. Note: A John Parrott marries a Frances Yerby, widow of Isaac Peede, in 1784 in Northumberland Co.Note: Kingston parish of Gloucester co. became a county in 1791.
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Follow the generations: Overview ⮞ Gens 1& 2 ⮞ Gens 3 & 4 ⮞ Gen 5
Follow the generations: